

okay, so i know i haven't updated in FOREVER! some of you may say, "well, obviously, she has 7 kids!" but, i do not accept that as an excuse. 2010 was a horrible year, 2011 was getting better, but now, with 2012, i'm turning over a new leaf and trying to become the mother and woman i want to be. this, of course, includes updating the blog more than once a year! so, here with go with a bunch of pics...

hiking through the woods behind my parent's house after christmas...

halloween (obviously)--it's just fun to see all of them dressed up together!

had to get a pic of the rare time they are both sleeping next to each other during the day

april fool's day! put food coloring on their toothbrushes. they thought it was a hoot!

visited friends in indiana over spring break. lovely weather let us enjoy ice cream!

went to new mexico over thanksgiving. HAD to try and build a pyramid, of course. it collapsed shortly after this!

also while in new mexico--had to get the kids on the lion statue at the albuquerque zoo--many fond memories for me there

Now for some of my craft projects (which i did a lot of recently...)

our new front wall. we wanted to have a family theme/motto and some reminders of how to 'be'. also, will update every 6 months how we can 'follow the prophet' based on what he said in the latest general conference.

every month nate does interviews with the kids and part of those are to ask them what they want to 'gift' to the Savior--things they want to work on to be better--as well as general goals. we print them out and put them on their own pictures in their rooms to remind them daily what they are trying to do (caleb and adam will start when they turn 4). sorry for the sideways-ness

i did manage to make pajama pants for everyone (and katya's doll) at christmas time. it was a bit of work, but worth it. and no, the pic hanging on the wall in the middle isn't normally crooked.

the ultimate chore chart! i have them do a lot of chores. but, i was sick of reminding them of each little one. now, they each have different popsicle sticks for each one and are responsible for keeping track on their own. i'm not sure i'll ever get something that works perfectly, but this is working pretty well.

hehe--i just thought this was funny--hannah got stuck in the dining room chairs--that's what she gets for climbing on the table and then trying to get down on the wrong chair!

more to come: the remodeled kitchen and our april food challenge!


Holly said...

Yea! Glad to get updates!

Jamie said...

Yeah, you posted! I want to hear more about the chore charting. Cute pics!