
my, you have your hands full....

well, so i was going to post earlier (kinda sounds like the beginning of all of my journal entries), but we lost our camera there for a while and have been trying to get back to normal after courtney left. yes, we are now without a babysitter and will never leave the house again. thank goodness we have a ton of movies at home to watch and no time to watch them anyway! but, the camera has been found (nate had left it in the back of a stroller), although it was discovered AFTER halloween, so now i can pretend like people care about what is going on.

as for exciting news, i went to sams this past week with the younger 4 kids (even their carts aren't quite big enough for us--maybe i need to start using those flat-bed things). i was so excited b/c i almost made it through the entire store before hearing the "my, you sure have your hands full" comment, which i hear everwhere i go. at least, my cashier said it to the other cashier and not to me, and then i had to brag about having others, but only one girl, and sharemy whole life story...blah, blah, blah. they were very complimentary of me, which was nice. normally, i think people are usually thinking that i'm quite insane (like the other moms at seth's preschool). that, or i'm some kind of saint, and we all know that's not true!
i like pics of the twins "fighting"--here's adam rolling over on top of caleb.

here's caleb kicking adam in the face--they end up kicking, or eating, or rolling on, or bonking each other a lot. it's fun to watch.

yeah! we got them both really smiling. they like to see me do "peek-a-boo" and caleb now rolls both ways, so he might start getting around. they are also on solids (which is the worst baby phase ever, and believe me, it's even more worse with 2 than 1). now i just need to get them sitting up and we'll be good for a while.

something else funny: here is a conversation that i walked in on between seth and liam last week:

Seth: Liam?
Liam: what seth?
Seth: watch this! (and then he jumps over some pillows)
Liam: awesome, seth, awesome. (repeated 8 times in a row)

anyway, on to the pics....
here's the only real halloween pic--we had to use nate's camera phone and i haven't tried to get it turned around. the kids had a blast though and got some great candy (kit-kats were my lunch today).

earlier on halloween, seth comes in our room and says: "i'm the stamping monster! (growl)" and boy, was he ever. he had gotten a stamp at his school party, and i'm still finding evidence of it all over the house. i think he went through a second time and stamped more walls after i finished the first pass. katya and liam were also attacked. i didn't even try to clean him up--ninja turtles were usually dirty, right? too bad princesses weren't!

in general though--the twins are sleeping great, the kids love school, nate will hopefully get released in the next 6 months, i'm almost in my skinny clothes, and the trees have been absolutely gorgeous. can life really get any better? i think not!


Christin said...

You guys are doing so well. The twins are huge. What a great mom you are. I love Seth's stamping. Classic story. And tell Katya we have had many stamped and markered princesses in our family. Hang in there. I bet your biceps are getting huge from all that baby carrying and shoveling solid food into their mouths. I wish I was there to help with your super cute kids.

Dacia said...

I love these updated posts. They remind me that we need to add to the craziness and come visit - or maybe you want to make a trip here:) WE MISS YOU!!! Fun to hear about everything!

Julianne said...

That is great you are still alive! It sounds like lots of fun at your house. I love the "awesome" story - siblings can do the coolest things.

Daralyn said...

Kim, Hats off to you. I think cashiers feel bad for me with just my one! I love your baby pictures. It's the best age--before they can climb or talk back!

Nellie said...

Better full than empty, I like to say! Good to see how busy you are . . .

Anonymous said...

i got on your blog to see your halloween pictures. i'm sad. :( o well. glad you're ok w/o courteny. twilight baby!!!!

angie0726 said...

You know what is worse than "You have your hands full?" "Glad its you and not me." I hear than A LOT!! The boys look great, I love the little chubby legs.
Emma got a stamp too at her Halloween party, so we are going through the same thing over here...I am greatful for the lack of candy, but I will take a KitKat over cleaning anyday!!

Emily said...

Ah, you are alive! I have missed your posts but this one was awesome! I love the pictures and the awesome, seth, awesome story. I can totally picture it. I can't wait for our next visit!

Grant said...

So i've read the post several times. And I'm going to just say it. I'm SO JEALOUS!!! In seattle, I got the "hands full" comment with two. With three people were talking that we were crazy. With four, I get RANDOM STRANGERS telling me about birthcontrol, telling me that it's wrong to have so many kids, STRANGERS doing their duty to make sure my womb is shut down forever. Or worse, turning to my husband and asking one of us if he's done HIS DUTY to make sure we're done.
So I wish wish wish I could just hear about my hands full instead....But it's true, your hands are full. And you could be flippant and say, wow, and you have eyes, or you have clothes on. Like, DUH!!!

Alisa said...

Um, yeah, so thanks for telling me you have a blog! Why did I not know this? I found your blog from Hilary's. You have six kids?! Man, you are totally awesome, Kim! I always knew you were a hard worker, but this is really impressive. They are beautiful kids. Great work! I'm excited to follow your lives now!

Kim said...

Hey Kim!

I just got your Christmas card!(So cute by the way.) I had no idea that you had six kids. It is so fun to hear about your family. Ours will be coming shortly. I have no excuss! Does your in-laws still live in Utah? When you come to visit, lets get together. I only live a couple minutes from Heather.

Merry Christmas! love kim

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of you having so many kids if that makes you feel better :). Nate will never get released though so hold on for the summer of moving everyone in and out. see ya soon, HEather B